Adenosine Deaminase Assay (ADA) Export Use Only


The assay is linear from 0-200 U/L and has precisions of Intra assay %CV < 4.5% and Inter assay %CV < 5.0%. The assay is ready-to-use for both manual method and automated chemistry analyzers (Kinetic). Product …

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Product Details

The assay is linear from 0-200 U/L and has precisions of Intra assay %CV < 4.5% and Inter assay %CV < 5.0%. The assay is ready-to-use for both manual method and automated chemistry analyzers (Kinetic).

Product Catalog Number Format
Kit DZ117A-K R1: 1 x 50 mL
R2: 1 x 25 mL
Calibrator DZ117A-Cal Cal: 1 x 1 mL
Control DZ117A-Con Con: 2 x 1 mL

Product Features

The assay is linear from 0-200 U/L and has precisions of Intra assay %CV < 4.5% and Inter assay %CV < 5.0%. The assay is ready-to-use for both manual method and automated chemistry analyzers (Kinetic). The assay is specific for ADA and has no detectable reaction with other nucleosides and is not affected by serum bilirubin up to 30 mg/dL, hemoglobin up to 200 mg/dL, triglycerides up to 750 mg/dL, or ascorbic acid up to 4 mg/dL. The assay is based on H2O2 detection, which is more sensitive and reliable than the method detecting ammonia production.


Assay Principle

Diazyme's ADA Assay is based on the enzymatic deamination of adenosine to inosine which is converted to hypoxanthine by purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP). Hypoxanthine is then converted to uric acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by xanthine oxidase (XOD). H2O2 is further reacted with N-Ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3-methylaniline (EHSPT) and 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AA) in the presence of peroxidase (POD) to generate quinone dye which is monitored in a kinetic manner. The entire enzymatic reaction scheme is shown in the figure.

Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) Assay procedure

Intended use

Adenosine deaminase (ADA) assay kit is for determination of ADA activity in serum and plasma samples. For Research Use Only in the USA.

Regulatory Status

For Research Use Only in the USA

CE Marked