High-Density Lipoprotein III (HDL3) Assay


The Diazyme High-density lipoprotein III (HDL3) Assay is a homogeneous enzymatic assay for use in the quantitative determination of HDL3 in human serum. Diazyme's HDL3 Assay is a cost effective, homogenous, direct assay …

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Product Details

The Diazyme High-density lipoprotein III (HDL3) Assay is a homogeneous enzymatic assay for use in the quantitative determination of HDL3 in human serum. Diazyme's HDL3 Assay is a cost effective, homogenous, direct assay for the fast and easy quantification of HDL3 cholesterol.

Description Catalog Number Packaging
High-Density Lipoprotein III (HDL3) Assay DZ561A R1: 1 x 40 mL
R2: 1 x 17 mL
HDL3 Calibrator Set DZ561A-CAL Cal: 2 x 2 mL
HDL3/sdLDL Control Set DZ560A-CON Con: 1 x 2 mL


The Diazyme High-density lipoprotein III (HDL3) Assay is a homogeneous enzymatic assay for use in the quantitative determination of HDL3 in human serum. Diazyme's HDL3 Assay is a cost effective, homogenous, direct assay for the fast and easy quantification of HDL3 cholesterol.

Studies show that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is known to be a negative risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD). HDL can be further divided into two major subclasses, larger, more buoyant HDL2 particles and smaller, more dense HDL3 particles. These studies suggest that measuring these HDL subclasses better reflects CHD risk than measurement of total HDL.1-8


Assay Features

  • Quantitative results
  • Wide measuring range: 7 to 148 mg/dL
  • Fast test results (10 minutes) for a rapid turnaround time
  • Liquid stable format requires no reagent preparation
  • Wide range of instrument parameters available for simplifying implementation


  1. Stampfer MJ et al. N Engl J Med 1991; 325: 373-81.
  2. Williams PT. J Lipid Res 2012; 53: 266-72.
  3. Smuts CM et al. Coron Artery Dis 1994; 5: 331-8.
  4. Mueller O et al. Clin Chem Lab Med 2008; 46: 490-8.
  5. Kempen HJ et al. J Lab Clin Med 1987; 109: 19-26.
  6. Lamarche B et al. Arterioscler Thromn Vasc Biol 1997; 17: 1098-105..
  7. Chapman MJ et al. J Lipid Res 1981; 22: 339-58.
  8. Blanche PJ et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1981; 665: 408-19.

Intended use

The HDL3 Assay is a homogeneous enzymatic assay intended for use in the quantitative determination of HDL3 in human serum. The assay is designed for use with chemistry analyzers. For Research Use Only in USA. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Regulatory Status

USA: For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.